Change font size of long description dialog box

Here is a simple trick to change the font size of the long description dialog box for MAXIMO 7.  Open your maximo.css file located under “ibm/SMP/maximo/applications/maximo/maximouiweb/webmodule/webclient/css”.  Find the attribute “.ibta”.  It should look something like this:

.ibta { border:1px solid #7B91A5; }

Change it so it looks like this:

.ibta { border:1px solid #7B91A5; font-size: 3em;}

You can replace “3em” with any size you want.  Once you have done this, you have to rebuild and deploy Maximo EARS.  I haven’t fully tested this so take caution when editing this file.  I have tested this in Firefox but not IE.  And as you may know, IE can be tricky.

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