Dynamic saved queries in Maximo

Here is a nice little trick for your saved queries where you can dynamically build the where clause based on the user that is logged in.  For example, let’s say that you want to have a saved query for your SRC group that shows all the workorders that were reported by the currently logged in user, let’s say me for example CNETH, which is my person ID.  I could create a saved query that would list only the workorders that were reported by CNETH.  To do that, you simply create a saved query and enter this:

( reportedby = :USER )

The :USER value will be dynamically filled in the currently logged in user, therefore you have a dynamic saved query!

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5 thoughts on “Dynamic saved queries in Maximo

  1. I recommend System Administrator Guide.
    There are some keys:

    1) :yes – true
    2) :no – false
    3) :&date& – current date
    4) :&datetime& – current date/time
    5) :&user& – logged in user
    6) :&personid& – Person ID of the logged in
    7) :&appname& – Application name
    8) :&mboname& – Name of the current business object
    9) :&ownername& – Name of the owner business object
    10) :<relationshipname>.<attrname> – Value of an attribute of a related business object of the current business object
    11) :&owner&.<attrname> – Value of an attribute of the owner business object
    12) :&owner&.<relationshipname>.<attrname> – Value of an attribute of the related business object of the owner business object
    13) :$old_<attrname> – The initial value from the database of the attribute

  2. It is not working as expected. If I’m giving ( reportedby = :USER ) in the where clause of Work Order Tracking application & then clicking Find button to create adhoc report. : USER is changing to my loggedin ID but this adhoc report is not working for other users. That time also it is showing data based on my logged in User. Please Suggest.

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