What’s the best way to make a field required in Maximo?

Here is a quick thought I want to put into your head.  There are so many ways to do just this in Maximo, but what are the best ways and what are the affects of doing it a certain way? Database Configuration If you make a field required in the … Read More

Disable Maximo business rule with an Automation Script

For years, there is one default Maximo functionality that tends to annoy a lot of our clients. When you have a workorder and you select a location, if that location has one and only one asset associate with it, that asset number will auto populate … Read More

Your first Automation Script in Maximo 7.5

If you have used Rules Manager, QuickPick or Field Control then you are already familiar with the Automation Script in Maximo. The Automation Script is basically a developers tool to enable you to develop custom business rules without having to … Read More

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