IBM Maximo recommends using WebSphere 7.0 fixpack 21 or higher with Java SDK 1.6 SR9 FP2

IBM WebSphere has published a technote for the Out of Memory problem in SDK 1.6 SR9. The out of memory problem has been experienced in Maximo environments using WebSphere 7.1.


Java Out of Memory

Resolving the problem

IBM WebSphere has published the technote for the Out of Memory problem in SDK 1.6 SR9.

The details of the WebSphere out of memory problem is described in the following technote.

The out of memory problem referenced in the above technote has been experienced in Maximo environments using WebSphere 7.1. As a result, Maximo is recommending to upgrade WebSphere to WebSphere 7.0 fixpack 21 along with Java SDK to 1.6 SR9 FP2.

Since the problem is in the Java SDK, it is required to update the SDK along with WebSphere.

Here is a link to WebSphere 7.0 fixpack 21

The SDK is a separate download and a separate install and the following is the SDK download link.

Related information

Websphere Technote [IBM Support]

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